Celebrity Taylor Swift

A student Trump campaigner accused Taylor Swift of ‘grooming’ women to hate men and this magnificent response was everything

We hadn’t come across Ryan Fournier before and by the looks of it we definitely haven’t missed out.

Fournier is chair of something called ‘Students for Trump’ and he’s been making a bit of a noise on Twitter when he took aim at Taylor Swift suggesting she was ‘grooming’ a generation of women to hate men.

Nothing like annoying all the right men is there?

And it prompted no end of responses as you might imagine.

But it was this community note, a Twitter-style correction and clarification, which surely shouted loudest, as highlighted by @briantylercohen

Ooof. And while it’s important, obviously, to remember the ‘allegedly’ bit, here’s precisely what many people made of that.

H/T @briantylercohen