
Jobless Jeeves ‘now living on the streets’

Tech News: It’s a heartbreaking scene: the once popular search engine butler Jeeves, rifling through bins for something to eat – but that’s the reality for this popular internet icon. Having been relieved of his duties by floundering website ask.com, Jeeves is now sleeping rough on the cruel streets of London.

jobless jeeves 'living on the streets'

“I always knew we would have our work cut out for us to compete when Google – ptoo – excuse me, when that lot really started to get big. All the other search companies started to suffer if they didn’t know how to diversify. But I never thought it would come to this, dear me no.”

Despite being unshaven and smelling of urine and abandoned Chinese food, Jeeves struggles to maintain an air of dignity as he pleads with passers-by to ask him something.

“I can still do this,” he says, “Just spare me a few pennies for a cup of tea and ask me who the 15th Prime Minister was. Go on! Oh thank you, kind sir. It was William Cavendish-Bentinck, the Third Duke Of Portland. Bless you sir.”

Tears are on the faces of some as they go about their business, some even Google his name on their iPhones to check if it is really him. A few stop and ask if there is anyone he can turn to.

“Can you spare enough for a ticket to America?” he replies. “Maybe Tom from MySpace can help.”