
iPhone’s Siri charged with masterminding mob killing

Tech News: Siri, the iPhone assistant, has been charged with masterminding a mob killing in the U.S that left at least seven criminals dead.

iPhone’s Siri charged with masterminding mob killing

It is thought that mob boss Luigi Rambodazzlini had his iPhone switched on when he remarked to himself, “What should I do about the Frizzi family?”

Siri is then alleged to have replied, “Whack them and bury them in the desert” before detailing various spots on Google Maps to bury the bodies, local late-night businesses that sell hacksaws, shovels and plastic sheeting – as well as how clement the weather would be that evening.

Siri had all the answers,” said Rambodazzlini, who has turned state’s witness. “I was panicking and not thinking clearly.”

“Siri talked me through the whole situation calmly and logically without any hint of emotion. It was chilling how matter-of-fact it was about the murders.”

If found guilty, Siri could face a prison sentence of 35 years, the same length of time it takes to successfully update the iPhone’s operating system.

Story+Image: Simon Swatman