
Transformers 4 To Focus On Nuanced Relationships, Character Study

Movie News: Director Michael Bay has outlined plans to feature less action in Transformers 4, instead focusing on the emotional journey of the robots.

Transformers fans have reacted with surprise at the news, after Bay recently said the next film will be ‘poignant’ and leave audiences ‘examining their relationship with technology’.

“There’s so many more interesting stories to tell in the Transformers universe,” said Bay. “We’ve gotten to know Optimus Prime – but was there once a Mrs. Prime? These machines are ‘robotic’ in both the technical and emotional sense and it’s the latter themes I’d like to explore.”

Bay says the next film will have virtually no action scenes and instead focus on ‘the emotional truth’ behind the characters.

“There will be a lot of long, single takes scenes in which the robots talk at length about the nature of existence over a cup of motor oil. In that sense I’ve been influenced by directors such as Stanley Kubrick and Michael Haneke.”

Bay has promised worried fans that the new film won’t depart completely from previous installments. “Of course there will still be many scenes in which we slowly zoom in on the ass of a young woman who is bending over for no apparent reason.”

Story: Simon Swatman