
Hipsters Warned Against Rolling Their Own E-Cigarettes

Fashion News: Hipsters trying to quit smoking have been warned against rolling their own e-cigarettes, after one man was burnt to death in an East London café.


Electronic cigarettes have become increasing popular with people trying to quit smoking and have now caught on with hipsters – who, in an attempt to avoid being mainstream, are picking up soldering irons and circuit boards and are attempting to ‘roll their own’ e-cigarettes.

“Homemade electronic devices can be dangerous at the best of times,” said a spokesman for the Trading Standards Institute.

“But couple this with the hipster love of extra-flammable items like beards, wooly hats, rare vinyl records and tweed jackets and they are running a very real risk of burning to death.”

“They’re basically turning themselves into a walking candle. A big twatty walking candle.”