
8 people who have problems waking up in the morning

For most of us, getting out of bed in the mornings can be a struggle – but for some people it can be a huge problem. Here are some who struggled to rise and shine, and others who took drastic steps to wake up.

1. Sometimes the snooze button doesn’t seem to work.

2. It can be a painful lesson to learn.

3. …and you’re forced to drastic steps.

4. Or come up with a backup plan.

5. Sometimes a very radical backup plan.

6. Or upgrade your alarm.

I made an alarm clock that slaps me in the face to wake me up. VLOG and other projects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXLzfAHl4-k

7. Or find some other motivation to get up.

8. Maybe you should just accept things for what they are?