This bloke found a worm his Tesco cucumber and his hilarious funeral for it has gone viral
So this guy Wes Metcalfe, from Sheffield, found a dead worm on his cucumber and wrote a note on Tesco’s Facebook wall
Dear Tesco, yesterday I purchased one of your fine cucumbers which I had planned on using to make my favourite dish – a cucumber sandwich
Upon opening my cucumber I discovered a worm inside the wrapping (see picture). I thought – at last, finally Tesco have come up with something to beat Aldi’s free spider with bananas offer.
I excitedly shouted the kids downstairs to come and meet our new pet. We decided to name him William. Our new pet appeared to be very unresponsive, we just put it down to him being sleepy and decided to give him sometime to come round.
24 hours later and William still hasn’t moved, on closer inspection he seems quite flat (again see picture) and I think he may be dead. Well…I’m no vet but I think the tight shrink wrap on the cucumber may have squashed and killed William.
I know Aldi’s Banana spiders were deadly but at least they had some life in them.
I now have three very upset children, a worm funeral to plan and to top it all off I’ve totally lost my taste for cucumber sandwiches which as everyone knows are a favourite at any wake.So come on Tesco wiggle your way out of this one!?!?
This goes viral – look at the likes:
Wes then followed it up with a funeral…
Well what can I say it’s been an emotional day but the funeral went without a hitch.
Tesco Rob we read out your poem and there wasn’t a dry eye amongst us.
Keeping on with the poem theme here’s another which I think sums up today quite nicely.
#RIPWilliam #justiceforwillian #poemsforwilliamAs we gather here today for William the worm
It’s time to reflect on the lessons we can learn
Now this poor worm’s life was cut far too short
After he was crushed to death in a cucumber I bought
Tesco please don’t let this happen again
Don’t let Williams life be lost in vain
But let’s not focus on who’s to blame
Tesco have apologised admitting their shame
As we resume Willian’s body into the mud
Please don’t shed a tear instead think of the good
For Willian’s death has brought us all here
Sharing jokes and spreading cheer
Before his death William was completely unknown
Spending his days in the mud on his own
But now his name has travelled wide and far
William the worm – the viral superstar!
And finally Wes got a pretty neat reply from Tesco
What a day Wes.
They say that Sunday is the day of rest, though my thoughts have been very much with yourself, your family, and of course William on this fateful day, and in the evening building up to this moment.
I thought I could hold back the tears (I mean we all thought we’d be able to stay strong today didn’t we?) though I can assure you that any tears shed here at Tesco Offices are out of pure joy and appreciation for William’s wonderful life.
You’ve got me started once again with your truly moving and heartfelt words; thank you Wes, and thank you to everyone for their support today.
What a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful worm; I think we’re all comfortable in the knowledge that he’d be wanting us to celebrate his life today, and I’ve spent my free time listening to classic hits such as Boom Boom Pow, Pump It, Meet Me Halfway, and Where is The Love in his memory; I’m sure he’ll be looking down on us with much appreciation.
To continue the day of celebration, and to really incorporate a musical themed tribute, I’ve adapted a classic song in his honour from the back of your excellently constructed poetry piece.
I’m sure you have a Live Band there today who will be oh too familiar with this track… Are you able to get them to cover this for me?Here goes…
Today is gonna be the day that we’re gonna celebrate for Will,
He’s’ gone, and now we’re feeling sad, we know it’s a void we cannot fill,
I don’t believe that anybody, feels the way we do, about you Will…[Break]
Back beat, the word is on the street that you’d travelled many-many miles,
I thought we’d seen it all before, but you’ve gave us memories and smiles,
I don’t believe that anybody, feels the way we do, about you now…[Break]
And all the grass you’d wriggled through is inspiring,
And all the time that Wes spent trying to revive you…
There are many things that we, would like to say to you
But we cannot now…. 🙁[Break]
Because maybe,
You’re gonna the worm that saves me,
I think we’ve learned,
You’re our wonder worm!
—Hope this helps, thanks for keeping us in the loop today Wes; I’m currently raising a cup of Tea in William’s honour.
Enjoy the celebrations through the night.
Sincere Condolences
Rob – Customer Care
And look how much people are enjoying it!
Source: Facebook