This job advert for a graphic designer is just brilliant
The reaction to this ad has been strong – people adore it:
“I think that’s a brilliant ad for the job. It’s pretty funny.”, writes UFOmemoney.
“If there’s anything I learned in my graphics degree, is that it’s not all about creating things which look neat and professional. It’s about communication. I’ll be damned if there isn’t a better way of communicating your need for a designer than this. Which is kind of ironic, because the type of person it takes to come up with something like this could have some real talent as a designer themselves.”, notes Innalibra.
“The only way one should use Comic Sans”, says TriangleAdept.
“That’s an amazingly effective ad. It stands out like a sore thumb and is sure to infuriate any sort of graphically oriented person”, writes ripgroupb.
Source: Reddit