These are probably the most honest inspirational posters you’ll ever see

The internet is awash with advice, some good, some bad, much of it ill-informed, and often accompanied by pictures of sweeping landscapes, stunning sunsets or, inexplicably, baby animals. Over on Twitter, @Michael1979 has created a set of inspirational posters in that vein, but being the very funny man we know him to be, he’s put his own twist on them.
Read and be inspired.
Follow your dream*
*But only until you realise how hard it would be to actually make your dream a reality. At that point, give up on it and accept a life of quiet mediocrity in a job you hate.
The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday*
*Unless you entered a karate tournament yesterday and won despite never even having had any formal karate training because it would be impossible to be better than that person.
Like, you were just so naturally talented at karate that you defeated black belts’n’shit. That person sounds amazing! Don’t even try to be better than that because it’s not going to happen.
Stop listening to people who tell you that you CAN’T do something*
*Unless they have a good understanding of your abilities and possess an informed opinion about the thing you’re trying to do. If they’re saying you can’t do it, it sounds like they know what they’re talking about.
You should probably just accept that they’re right and try something less difficult instead.
With belief and hard work, you can achieve anything*
*Providing you’re born into wealth. Social mobility is at an all-time low so if you’re born poor, you’ll have far fewer opportunities in life than people with rich parents.
As a result, you’re statistically likely to remain poor and your chances of achievement will be drastically reduced regardless of how much belief you have or how hard you work.
There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy*
*But don’t forget there’s also loads of reasons to be sad. War, for instance. And poverty. Climate change. Environmental destruction. Astonishing levels of inequality.
Austerity. Youth unemployment. Political vandalism that attacks public services. Corporate greed. So, you know, don’t get carried away.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent*
*Admittedly, though, We don’t really understand the nature of bullying. By focusing on the flaws of the victim rather than the actions of the perpetrator, we’re being pretty ignorant and insensitive here.
We really shouldn’t imply that enduring psychological and emotional abuse is a sign of weakness because it’s not. Oops!
Making a big change in life is scary. But know what’s even scarier? Regret*
*And what’s even scarier than regret is a giant monster intent on taking over the world. He’s, like, 200 feet tall or something and he’s impervious to pain.
Well, I guess bullets hurt him a little but not much. But yeah, he kills everything in his path and destroys entire cities. Maybe he could be lured into the sea and drowned but he’s super smart so probably not.
I guess maybe an atomic bomb would stop him but at what cost? It’s a terrifying prospect. Much scarier than regret.
Take time each day to count your blessings. Be grateful because some people have nothing*
*This inspirational message was brought to you by the richest 1% in society.
We want you to focus on being thankful for the relative pittance you earn that just about enables you to eke out an existence while never directing your anger towards those of us who are hoarding obscene amounts of money.
If these don’t help you sort out your life, nothing will.
Source: Sir Michael