Mysterious smoking man makes a cup and his cigarette levitate
In the smoking area of a shopping centre in Japan, a man and his friends discover this mysterious gentleman, who can make objects levitate…
— Fé∇Felipe▱ (@FustDrift) October 23, 2016
You should probably stop reading now if you want to believe that magic is real. Still here? Great! Here’s a possible explanation.
@FustDrift @mrb_rides_again he's attaching it to a string and someone above is moving it. Camera guy probably in on it.
— Evil Lil Luna. ^_^ (@LunaRezErection) October 24, 2016
@mrb_rides_again notice his hand never goes directly above the object. I'm more impressed he didn't burn himself with the cig tho.
— Evil Lil Luna. ^_^ (@LunaRezErection) October 24, 2016
And a demonstration of the trick in action, but without the conspiracy theory.
So there you go.