
School kids perform a wildly inappropriate stage adaptation of “Scarface”

A video of children performing a ‘school play’ version of the 1983 crime classic Scarface has been doing the rounds lately, and mostly getting the reaction “which adult thought this was a good idea?”

It does contain some magnificent performances and wonderful set design, like this:

And of course the wonderful hair.

But if you thought it was a little too polished to be an authentic school play, then you’d be right. When the clip first did the viral rounds back in 2010, The L.A Times revealed that it was made with professional child actors in a rented theatre, directed by a music video director who had previously worked with Jay-Z, The Foo Fighters and Avril Lavigne.

Apparently it was made as an experiment into the “wildfire immediacy of viral video” which is clearly still as relevant today as it was back then, if the outrage is anything to go by.

