
This passive aggressive note is actually on a pre-filled form specially designed for passive aggressive notes

Someone parked their car badly and got a passive aggressive note actually on a form specifically designed for communicating passive aggression. Imagine using one on these things – you’d lose your teeth!

Technology is enabling everyone to be lazier by the day as Dashooz over on Reddit has spotted.

Arguably how it’s being used here is not passive aggressive – it’s pretty direct.

Still it’s going down well on Reddit:

  • “I give props for writing her name in. It’s not easy taking responsibility sometimes when you can claim anonymity”, notes Sicilian-Dragon
  • “I feel like I’m the normal person who has to deal with both the parking asshole and the nosey, cunty neighbor”, writes RafaelSirah
  • “At least I can spell owner, NORAH”, writes ThisIsNotKimJongUn

Still, if you fancy getting yourself punched, buy your own notes over on Amazon.

Source: Reddit