
If you cover half of Harrison Ford’s face with your thumb you can see him acting out two different emotions at once

Gavintaylorpip over on Reddit has made a superb observation and says, “If you cover half of Harrison Ford’s face with your thumb* you can see him acting out two different emotions at once.”

“On one side Greedo shot first, on the other Han did”, writes sev45day

* Thumb for mobile, palm for desktop, scale up to other body parts for non-standard screen sizes.

And here’s it mirrored if you’re too lazy to check yourself.

But what is the science behind this? (According to some dude on the internet)

“Studies show that we all display different emotions on each side of our faces independently, however minutely. Further study suggests that we all understand this instinctually and have a subconscious left gaze bias meaning that we subconsciously look at a person’s left side of their face as it seems the left side more accurately displays current emotion. It’s also been found that dogs have an instinctual left gaze bias”, notes Crisismax

Source: Reddit