Owned! Trump Towers travel tweet hijacked
When Trump Hotels tweeted this question in 2011 they can’t imagine the sort of replies they would be getting six years later.
Here’s that question.
Tell us your favorite travel memory – was it a picture, a souvenir, a sunset? We'd love to hear it!
— Trump Hotels (@TrumpHotels) October 11, 2011
And those replies.
oh thanks for asking @TrumpHotels My day at #turnberry = awesome wifi – great security & knowing Trump was watching through the window. pic.twitter.com/jEUgNONtVH
— Janey Godley (@JaneyGodley) January 28, 2017
At 18 my father fled the Nazis. 2 strangers from a youth hostel put up £200 for his UK visa. They saved his life. https://t.co/kg3IlYXp0C
— Adam Ganz (@harbinger) January 29, 2017
That time I fled Communist Romania to a refugee camp in Austria, came to America, & years later became an exec @Google creating 10ks of jobs https://t.co/iaerM5gLHc
— Laszlo Bock (@LaszloBock2718) January 29, 2017
.@TrumpHotels My asylum grant. Thanks for asking pic.twitter.com/yRftCMNsah
— Aminatou Sow (@aminatou) January 28, 2017
.@TrumpHotels Being abroad when Obama was elected and seeing how happy everybody was for both America and the world.
— jdh (@502eire) January 28, 2017
Hell, I'm at the Four Seasons Beverly Hills having a Manhattan right now! pic.twitter.com/wWWffyBceA— Kaj-Erik Eriksen (@KajEriksen) January 29, 2017
Chanting "Shame" outside your Washington D.C. hotel with a million people last weekend! @TrumpHotels
— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) January 29, 2017
@TrumpHotels @nybooks When @realDonaldTrump kicks the bucket, my favorite trip will be visiting his cemetery to literally shit on his grave.
— Steven Hugh Nelson (@SteveHughNelson) January 28, 2017
There’s a bit of a pattern emerging…
@kerryjeanlister @JaneyGodley @TrumpHotels Although…I'm with her. pic.twitter.com/xUYo5E1HXi
— MitchALee (@RainyDayGrrrl) January 29, 2017
@TrumpHotels @nybooks It was to Syria. In 2010. A beautiful place. A country full of warm, welcoming people who greeted us everywhere like friends.
— Sarah Ra (@hundredgrapes) January 28, 2017
@vmontes @TrumpHotels my Lolo & his family coming to Daly City, where they would make a home in a welcoming country pic.twitter.com/o8wS6DG5Jw
— Vida Wadhams (@VidaWadhams) January 29, 2017
#BanTheBan #NoMuslimBanJFK #nomuslimban @aminatou pic.twitter.com/5U9SEb7OLs
— SanBernieDingDong (@noreallyhowcome) January 29, 2017