
Can’t quite get our heads round this genuine US police anti-drugs video

This Florida sheriff had a deadly serious issue to talk about – we get that, we totally do – but there’s ways of getting your message across, and then there’s this…

The video aimed at heroin dealers was put up on the Lake County Sheriff Department’s Facebook page and not surprisingly has gone totally viral.

Here’s a taste of Sheriff Peyton Grinnell had to say.

“So, to the dealers I say: Enjoy looking over your shoulder, constantly wondering if today is the day we come for you. Enjoy trying to sleep tonight wondering if tonight is the night our SWAT team blows your front door off the hinges.

We are coming for you. If our agents can show the nexus between you, the pusher of poison and the person that overdoses and dies, we will charge you for murder. We are coming for you. Run.”

Maybe the balaclavas were a bad idea, though.