
What Nasa did when a 9-year-old applied for its ‘planetary protection officer’ job

So a nine-year-old self-styled ‘Guardian of the Galaxy’ applied for Nasa’s newly advertised ‘planetary protection officer’ job.

Just in case you can’t read it:

“Dear Nasa

My name is Jack Davis and I would like to apply for the planetary protection officer job. I may be nine but I think I would be fit for the job. One of the reasons is my sister says I am an alien also i have seen almost all the space and alien movies I can see.

I have also seen the show Marvel Agents of Shield and hope to see the movie Men in Black. I am great at video games. I am young so I can learn to think like an Alien.

Sincerely, Jack Davis, Guardian of the Galaxy. Fourth grade.”

Looks like his parents don’t think he’s old enough to see Men in Black yet.

And like any self-regarding federal government funded space programme, Nasa wrote back.

Not only that, they rang space loving Jack Davis just to make sure he got their reply.

Imagine that. “Jack, I’ve got Nasa on the phone for you!” *shits pants*

Good to know that the office of Nasa high command looks pretty much like ours. Except with a big picture of the moon in it.

Here’s what Nasa wrote:

“Dear Jack

I hear you are a ‘Guardian of the Galaxy’ and that you’re interested in being a NASA planetary protection officer.

Our Planetary Protection Officer position is really cool and is very important work. It’s about protecting Earth from tiny microbes when we bring back samples from the Moon, asteroids and Mars. It’s also about protecting other planets and moons from our germs as we responsibly explore the Solar System.

We are always looking for bright future scientists and engineers to help us, so I hope you will study hard and do well in school. We hope to see you here at NASA one of these days!


Dr James L Green. Director, planetary science division”

To fifth grade, and beyond!
