Florence and the machine – your 12 tweet guide to Theresa May’s big speech
Theresa May was in Florence to tell everyone exactly how Britain is going to leave the EU by March 2019.
Well, that was the idea. Instead, we got this.
Turns out a bad speech IS worse than no speech at all pic.twitter.com/a7V79HBpJP
— The Poke (@ThePoke) September 22, 2017
"Being here in Florence is nice. But I can’t help but feel it would be even nicer if I needed a fucking visa to get here." pic.twitter.com/41fDp7kAab
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) September 22, 2017
At least she is being honest #florencespeech pic.twitter.com/F8jUJduu3Z
— TechnicallyRon (On all the platforms) (@TechnicallyRon) September 22, 2017
Summary of Theresa May's #FlorenceSpeech pic.twitter.com/V0NwLIVNVw
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) September 22, 2017
Finally, something from Theresa May we can agree on… #florencespeech pic.twitter.com/sBw5Vjto6K
— The New European – Think Without Borders (@TheNewEuropean) September 22, 2017
If you have "to be clear" in your #florencespeech drinking game I'd consider ordering ambulance now.
— James Doleman (@jamesdoleman) September 22, 2017
Facebook seems to be enjoying Theresa May's #florencespeech pic.twitter.com/uGTag157cy
— The Poke (@ThePoke) September 22, 2017
This is just a 10,000 word essay you didn't write til the night before so its just one paragraph repeated with synonyms #florencespeech
— TechnicallyRon (On all the platforms) (@TechnicallyRon) September 22, 2017
'British Prime Minister goes to Florence to talk mainly to British people to convince them it shouldn't be that easy to go to Florence.'
— Tiernan Douieb (@TiernanDouieb) September 22, 2017
BBC caption writer nails it again. #florencespeech pic.twitter.com/aRMDkcLIjE
— Pundamentalism (@Pundamentalism) September 22, 2017
I've summarised Theresa May's speech for you. #florencespeech pic.twitter.com/CHEE8Xk5YB
— Oonagh (@Okeating) September 22, 2017
Theresa Mayneeds to wrap up b/c they need the room for a yoga class. #florencespeech
— John Smith (son of Harry Leslie Smith) (@Harryslaststand) September 22, 2017