You’ve not had a Sunday lunch as weird as this Daily Mail reader’s letter
We’ll have what they’re having.
Some letters make so much more sense if you add the words "Of course, we were high." after the final full stop.
— Pointless Letters (@pointlesslettrs) November 21, 2017
— niceguyrichy (@niceguyrichy) November 24, 2017
This letter makes me so happy. It's not the work of a bigot or a bad person – it is just a weird and wonderful document. I wish I was part of this lovely-sounding family… I'm going to RT it devoid of context, hell yeah!
— Elizabeth O'Hara (@RadiatorLizard) November 23, 2017
Oh, to be posh and strange enough to think this is worthy of national publication! As I say, it makes me smile
— Elizabeth O'Hara (@RadiatorLizard) November 23, 2017
Except it wasn’t the corks that stuck in some people’s minds.
"knew that if he didn't come back to the UK, his student loan would never be paid off"
This has never been a reason for anyone to return from abroad. Ever.
— Eleanor 🇪🇺 (@eleanor_huh) November 22, 2017
I know. Imagine living a life so limited in imagination that you come home from a place you love, to pay back a loan you had as a student. Bloody hell.
— Pointless Letters (@pointlesslettrs) November 22, 2017