11 times TV news channels got maps very, very wrong
Fortunately for us a chap called Max Fisher is a ‘connoisseur of hilariously wrong TV news maps’ and here are 11 of the best. Or the worst, if you see what we mean.
CNN visits Hong Kong (a personal favorite) pic.twitter.com/D3kEH9i0Xd
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
Eastern Europe is confusing! All those countries, almost none of which are Canada. CNN declutters a bit by relocating Ukraine to Pakistan. pic.twitter.com/zJ0ASLyEKl
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
CBS was worried Cool Pope might miss his home country of Argentina so helpfully compressed and relocated it into a single town somewhere in Colombia pic.twitter.com/9jgD8Srfqc
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
Those libs at MSNBC are so eager to appease the commies that they went ahead and reunified Czechoslovakia pic.twitter.com/7NE3MGr4lt
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
But Western Europe isn’t much easier! Is France in France, or is it in Spain? Hard to say for sure, CNN is looking into it pic.twitter.com/8ipzXgebe2
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
If CNN was unable to find Gaddafi it may be, and I’m just spitballing here, because they were looking in the wrong Tripoli pic.twitter.com/82S1zFwt63
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
Our first stop is the Middle East according to Fox News. A classic of the genre, broadcast at a moment when perma-invading Iraq, sorry I mean “Egypt," was of the utmost. pic.twitter.com/1GCDob22gy
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
It might seem nitpicky to hit CNN for misplacing Kuala Lumpur from Malaysia to Indonesia, but recall this was from their wall-to-wall search for MH370. I think I know why they didn’t find it. pic.twitter.com/zHV0rt2b7K
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
Who could forget CNN confusing Niger and Nigeria
I’ll be honest folks it’s mostly CNN from here out pic.twitter.com/aDt1lZnvx0
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
Finally, please put on your felt gloves and breathing mask while handling the JEWEL OF THE COLLECTION, Fox News’ *exquisite* Eastern Europe. Yugoslavia has reunified, except for Serbia, which is now Hungary, and also Yugoslavia is now Bulgaria, which is nameless. It’s beautiful. pic.twitter.com/58mT8VWpzy
— Max Fisher (@Max_Fisher) April 11, 2018
Unfortunately, not surprising. Try asking folks to identify all 50 U.S. states on a map…
— Steve Wiesner (@spwiesner1) April 11, 2018
If you do infographics for a major news network you damned well better be able to.
— Bennett Murray (@BDMurray) April 11, 2018
Thing is, I may not know where most countries are on a map, but if that was my job on a major news network, I'd learn how to use Google Maps.
— International Assassin (@ricleal) April 11, 2018