Turns out there was more to that Morrisons story than meets the pie
No doubt you’ll have seen the story about the couple who were furious that Morrisons wouldn’t serve them a pie before 9am.
Jolly good tale it was too.
Here's the full Middlesbrough Pie Scandal story. 100% of your purest gammon.https://t.co/vTlyqCxUW8
— Alistair Coleman (@alistaircoleman) April 15, 2018
Good morning everyone. And remember – don't try to get a meat pie from Morrison's for another two hours.
— David Whitley (@mrdavidwhitley) April 16, 2018
She added: “They are dictating to me when I can buy pies and when I can shop.”
Next stop the Gulag.https://t.co/eQkrusuw1N
— barney farmer (@barneyfarmer) April 15, 2018
Morrison's customers wait patiently behind the line for 9am and the unleashing of the meat pies. pic.twitter.com/G6cNuXaBLA
— Alistair Coleman (@alistaircoleman) April 16, 2018
“It has been a complete cock up. That’s basically it,”https://t.co/4iadBeUzww
— Alistair Coleman (@alistaircoleman) April 16, 2018
For any aspiring journalist wondering if they can affect real change… pic.twitter.com/evdOsJlLWs
— Chris Rickett (@chrisrickett) April 16, 2018
Someone who read the story thought the couple looked vaguely familiar and it turned out – yes – he had come across them before.
I'm unduly irritated by the meat pie couple story going viral via the Gazette. A THREAD.
I thought this pair looked familiar, and then I realised it's the same couple I had on the side bar of the local news blog I ran from 2010 called The Nether Regions. Tony and Linda Gilkes. pic.twitter.com/WjQliNCyU1
— Paddy Sisyphus (@PaddySisyphus) April 16, 2018
And it turns out they’re not backwards in coming forwards when it comes to complaining.
Wow, that took a dark turn very quickly.
— Alistair Coleman (@alistaircoleman) April 15, 2018
Still, a pie’s a pie, right?