Newspaper correction of the day
From yesterday’s Mail on Sunday, just in case you missed it.
The Mail on Sunday ran this correction on page 2 yesterday – more than a *year* after the original set of “critically flawed” and “significantly misleading” articles which had attempted to undermine climate science
— Leo Hickman (@LeoHickman) April 23, 2018
Here’s the correction.
And here’s the original article.
You know the answer but it’s worth asking the question anyway …
POP QUIZ HOTSHOT: Which of these got the more attention and had the most impact? The original article with 2000 comments or the forced retraction, admitting that it was bullshit?
— The DM Reporter (@DMReporter) April 23, 2018
And a few thoughts from people who managed to spot it online.
There should be a law where the press have to print corrections on the same page, taking up the same amount of space as the original incorrect story, instead of hiding it away on page 22
— James Taylor (@JitJat) April 23, 2018
Do they not have to print the retraction as well? And the retraction itself is so badly written, presumably to deliberately confuse people. The second “sentence” is 62 words long!
— Sam Bishop (@sam_bishop) April 23, 2018
“At the Mail on Sunday we take great pride in the quality of our journalism.”
— last.caress (@lastcaress1972) April 23, 2018