A raccoon scaled a 25-storey building and the world was gripped by its plight
The only rescue plan relied on it making its own way to the roof, where an animal control team – and food – were waiting.
St. Paul's animal control folks are noodling on #mprraccoon. Spokeswoman: they may try to put a live trap on roof to bring it down. But it'll have to make it that far on its own & as far as we can tell, the raccoon hasn't had anything to eat or drink for more than 24 hrs.
— Tim Nelson (@timnelson_mpr) June 12, 2018
Can confirm #MPRraccoon is still itchy. Got a little visit from @StPaulFireDept too! Cat food awaits it on the roof. pic.twitter.com/WeOTWmbaqz
— Evan Frost (@efrostee) June 12, 2018
When it finally made it onto the roof, there was great jubilation.
The #mprraccoon just made it to the roof! Video courtesy @DPet_KARE11News pic.twitter.com/Wb5xPsANZh
— Tim Nelson (@timnelson_mpr) June 13, 2018
#mprraccoon has made it safely onto the roof!!! There are supposedly people up there with him trying to coax him into a cage to bring him down.
Metaphorically, he also made it to the top of the list of trending hashtags in the United States and is resting comfortably at #1. pic.twitter.com/w6ZN8SUgzl
— Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D (@RVAwonk) June 13, 2018
Inevitably, someone did this:
Twitter funny person @OhNoSheTwitnt spoke for us all when she said
“How rad would it be if the #mprraccoon turned out to be Rocket and he spray painted “Make America Groot Again” on the side of the building.”