
Only Welsh people can answer these questions correctly (NSFW)

Every region has arcane knowledge that outsiders wouldn’t understand. Like Scots knowing what a jobbie is, Cornish folk understanding what really goes into a pasty and the proud citizens of Manchester knowing that two consecutive days without rain is a sure sign of the Apocalypse. Of course, there’s an unwritten rule that you can only slag off an area if you’re from that area – mostly unwritten.

The Welsh talent showcase, BBC Sesh, has shared a video that gives away some of Wales’ insider knowledge and it’s very funny.

Featuring stand-up comedian, Ignacio Lopez – or Iolo Llewelyn – some highlights include:

“I’m going to read you some typical scenarios …you tell me what you would do next, alright?
You’ve just reached the top of Pen y Fan.”

“Take 20 selfies. That’s my Facebook profile picture for the next three months.”

“You’ve had 8 Jägerbombs. Dai asks you if you want another.”
“What day is it?”
“Order six more.”

“England have just lost a game of rugby to anyone.”
“I’ll be in the pub singing Tom Jones songs till 4AM …and then I’ll need to go to A & E because I pulled a muscle laughing when the last try was scored.”

“You’re over the bridge in England …someone says Newport is a shithole.”
“Chin the stuck-up prick and take his car as payback for all the sheep-shagging jokes.”

“You’re in Newport. Someone says it’s a shithole.”
“It is a shithole, but it’s our shithole.”

When they shared it on Facebook, it was verified as authentic by other Welsh people.

But the best accolade was awarded by Twitter user, @pinkskink,