
This dog with a stolen GoPro is living its best life

GoPro cameras have become popular over the last few years, allowing us to see things from the perspective of cyclists, runners and drivers. Rarely have they shown us things from the perspective of an animal, but when one dog stole a GoPro, that’s almost – but not quite – what we got.

The video shows humans chasing the dog to try and retrieve the GoPro, as well as various other dogs just joining in for the hell of it. When the clip was shared on Twitter, it very quickly racked up nearly a quarter of a million shares and almost 8m views.

People loved the slapstick action.

Inevitably, some people added incidental music.

Smack My B*tch Up by the Prodigy

Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen

And, of course, Yakety Sax – the Benny Hill Show Theme Song – by Boots Randolph

Absolutely perfect.

H/T Reddit