
Watch James O’Brien point out something Jacob Rees-Mogg might prefer to forget

Jacob Rees-Mogg is one of the most outspoken Brexiteers, often reminding us that Brexit was the people’s choice in a democratic process. He’s the last person you’d expect to support calls for a referendum on the UK’s final negotiated deal, right? Wrong – apparently.

A video clip has recently surfaced, showing the MP making the case for a final-deal referendum as a logical step in the Brexit process. LBC’s James O’Brien, a vocal campaigner against Brexit, commented on the clip on his radio show.

He comments

“If ever you needed the little thread to pull from which the entire facade of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s fraudulent Brexit support can be unravelled, it’s this,”

When the clip was shared on Twitter, people had plenty to say on the matter.

And somebody pointed out that Mr Rees-Mogg may not be alone on the issue of thinking again.

The irony.