“This is what depression looks like”
Over on Reddit kizza53 has put together this thought provoking composite image which he headlined with “this is what depression looks like”
And this is the top-rated comment underneath, by Lowcrbnaman who shared the best quote on depression they’d read.
“I wanted to write down exactly what I felt but somehow the paper stayed empty and I could not have described it any better.”
The best quote on depression I’ve ever read…..
And then there was this from gaztaseven because not everyone knew all their names.
Kurt Cobain
Chester Bennington
Whitney Houston
Mac Miller
Robin Williams
Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Chris Farley
Marilyn Monroe
Amy Winehouse
Chris Cornell
Ernest Hemingway
Lucy Gordon
Simone Battle
Layne Staley
Gia Allemand
Anthony Bourdain
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