
This week’s episode of the nature documentary Dynasties was an emotional rollercoaster

Once again, the nation gathered around the TV to watch a BBC nature documentary, totally aware that things aren’t always rosy in the animal kingdom. But nobody was emotionally prepared for the heartbreaking scenes about to unfold as a number of penguins, including tiny chicks, fell into a ravine and were unable to escape. Here’s how the drama played out.

It was tough for everyone seeing the penguins struggle to save themselves and their babies.

One mother penguin realised she couldn’t get out of the ravine with her chick, so she left it behind.


Because the circumstances were beyond even the usual tough conditions, the crew decided to give the stranded birds a fighting chance.

Viewers were relieved and full of praise for the crew.

When we saw one penguin mum reach safety with her chick, it was a bitter-sweet moment.

This is what it took to bring us the incredible scenes.

We can’t express it any better than this understated reaction from Gary Lineker.

Images property of the BBC.

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