Australia’s giant steer is a load of bull – 15 udderly brilliant comments
Australia’s biggest steer – that’s a bull that’s had its bits clipped, in case you were wondering – has had a reprieve from the slaughterhouse because of his size. “How big is he, exactly?”, I hear you ask. He’s e-f*cking-normous – that’s how big he is. Take a look.
Meet Knickers, Australia’s biggest steer!
He’s 194cm tall, weighs 1.4t and has been saved from the abattoir because he simply won’t fit through the doors.
— Sunrise (@sunriseon7) November 26, 2018
See what we mean? The steer, a Holstein Friesian named Knickers, is seven years old and has reached his full size, unlike most steers which tend to enter the food chain at two, but his stature is still a mystery to his owners.
People can hardly believe their eyes.
Damn that is one huge cow. this is why I buy internet on flights. I almost saw that 6 hours after you guys did
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 28, 2018
Genuinely cannot cope with this massive cow named Knickers.
— Dr Fern Riddell (@FernRiddell) November 27, 2018
grape surgery was fun but it’s all about the big cow meme now i don’t wanna see any tweets about grapes anymore just about how big the cow is
— elijah daniel (@elijahdaniel) November 28, 2018
White Moose: an old god, pursuing its own business, indifferent to human affairs
Giant Australian Steer: a new god, raging at the fact of its own existence, a swollen boil for which no lance has been forged. the earth trembles
— Jared Pechacek (@vandroidhelsing) November 27, 2018
Why does Knickers, the largest cow, not merely eat all the other cows?
— Godspeed You Black Tamperer (ft Maya) (@twlldun) November 28, 2018
Super concerned we’re gonna find out the giant cow is racist.
— Andrew Nadeau (@TheAndrewNadeau) November 28, 2018
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say itHOLY COW….
— KSAT 12 (@ksatnews) November 27, 2018