
Dick Van Dyke owning Piers Morgan is the burn we all need to see right now

If there’s one thing we all enjoy, it’s seeing Piers Morgan get put in his place. In the past, he’s suffered brutal takedowns courtesy of Ariana Grande, Dan Walker and Gary Lineker, so he must be used to it, but his latest public humiliation was a little different.

In an attempt to be funny, the Good Morning Britain host tweeted this comment about legendary actor Dick Van Dyke‘s name.

Piers Morgan should have known that nobody gets to throw shade at Dick Van Dyke and get away with it – if he didn’t know before, he definitely does now.

Not only did we have the pleasure of seeing Piers Morgan get totally owned by a 92-year-old, but Dick Van Dyke didn’t even need to use words to do it, just one perfect screenshot from his hit series Diagnosis Murder.

Twitter user Simon Pegg – not that one – summed up the situation with this succinct comment.

Diagnosis: Murder by burning.

Twitter being what it is, there were more burns heading his way.

There was also a lot of love for Dick Van Dyke – as always.

We particularly liked this fact.

If ever a tweet deserved to be pinned, it’s that one.