A YouTuber has gone viral after her henna freckles experiment went hilariously wrong
After seeing the results Instagrammer @uglysxegirl had achieved when applying “freckles” using henna, YouTuber, Naomi Jon decided to try it for herself – and film it for her fans online.
This is what inspired her …
But this is how her attempt went …
Yes, we know it’s long, but it’s worth it if you had the time, and if you don’t – well, here are the clip notes.
This is how Naomi looked before the experiment.
She started applying the henna, as @uglysxegirl had. So far, so good.
It seemed to be going well – apart from the burning.
Is it supposed to make your skin red like this?
Why won’t it wipe off?
Maybe a cover-up would work.
A quick wipe revealed that some serious damage was going on.
So, what do you think of henna, Naomi?
As she says in the video –
“I regret everything.”
We don’t blame you. Still – nearly 1.75m views so far. YouTuber Nirvana.