
This parent destroyed anti-vaxxers with their own logic and it’s just beautifully done

The anti-vaccination lobby – known as anti-vaxxers – appear to come up with no end of imaginative ways to make their case.

Fortunately for the rest of us – and the general well-being of the planet – there’s someone even more passionate about the topic ready and willing to shut them down.

And they don’t come much better than this person who used anti-vaxxers’ own logic to destroy them, as shared on Imgur.

It clearly struck, a chord, seen 150,000 times by people on the site so far. And here are just a few of the responses it prompted.

‘That font is perfect.’ Mustbeapony

‘Fun fact. Everybody that has died has eaten food. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Food is poison! Wake up sheeple!’ DiarmuldRyan

‘It’d be more accurate if you were randomly poisoning other people’s food on the side too.’ Degasedgar
