
They airdropped wolves into Michigan and the mental images are simply hilarious

According to an article on, four Canadian wolves have been airdropped into Michigan to reduce the overflowing moose population. The quartet will instantly begin the culling process – because who wouldn’t want a snack after a flight? – but are ultimately there to boost the local wolf population, as part of a breeding programme not in a “You go, girl!” kind of way.

The description tickled writer, James Felton, the man who broke the secret of milk coke to the world outside Birmingham, who gave us this mental image.


He wasn’t done …

His tweet inspired others to imagine the bizarre scenario, with the imagery growing ever stranger.

There was even a recreation – no wolves were hurt in the making of this image.

The vision gained traction.

Someone named Ronny P shared artist @Jubidoo‘s vision of an airborne wolf attack.

Journalist Daniel Sugarman rounded the story off by reconsidering James’ initial premise – with a twist.

“Imagine being a moose, thinking you’re safe, looking up & seeing James parachuting down towards you and your moose family in order to take your milk and mix it with his Coca Cola.”