Want to see Donald Trump without his toupée? Of course you do!
Although his policies, attitudes and behaviour are the most questionable things about him, we can’t help but poke fun at Donald Trump’s thoroughly bizarre hairstyle – and neither can most other people. There has long been speculation that it might not be his real hair, and a new video suggests that may be correct.
Of course, it’s just a clever bit of editing, but we can’t be the only ones who think he actually looks better like that, can we? Paul Lee Ticks‘ clip got people talking.
Looks like when Mr. Krabs lost his shell https://t.co/4CZtbBPn8X
— Chalant (@OnlyHanz_) March 13, 2019
#FictionVsReality pic.twitter.com/qBl7L8jGf2
— Brian P-C (@AlbertB_71) March 11, 2019
What episode of the walking dead is this? pic.twitter.com/HO3mLQ9KlF
Manzana Blanco
(@The_Faiz_Phase) March 11, 2019
This is obviously fake. The president of the United States of America has extremely luscious hair. A lot of people have told him so. It’s the most luscious hair. Little known fact the steel ropes on the Brooklyn bridge are actually made from a younger Donald’s hair. So strong.
— Dan Baker (@DB_Kahuna) March 12, 2019
I mean wow pic.twitter.com/sCIdw2Pk2H
— WeThePeople
(@PrincessBravato) March 11, 2019
Via @DanWheatley4
Paramedic, Stretmediq, wanted to point out a weightier priority.
I don't care what he's got on his head I care about what he's got IN his head which unfortunately is nothing
— Stretmediq (@stretmediq) March 11, 2019
We don’t need Photoshop to see that.