Andrew Neil’s takedown of Brexit-loving MP Kate Hoey tells you all you need to know
Few people get more excited about leaving the European Union as Labour MP Kate Hoey, so Andrew Neil – not without his critics, we know – thought it might be a good idea to ask her this.
“Kate Hoey, can you name any reputable independent study that show us better off if we leave?”
Fair question. And Hoey’s answer really does tell you all you need to know.
Andrew Neil: "Kate Hoey, can you name any reputable independent study that show us better off if we leave?"
Kate Hoey: "Um, probably not better off as such…"
Kate Hoey was one of three Labour MPs who voted against extending Article 50. #marr#GammonballRun #MarchToLeave
— paulusthewoodgnome 🇺🇦💙 (@woodgnomology) March 17, 2019
And here’s exactly what people made of that.
I'm no Andrew Neil fan, but he's pulled Kate Hoey's trousers right down here. This is Brexit summarised perfectly in 33 seconds.
— CuparArab (@CuparArab) March 18, 2019
This Kate Hoey? Asking for clarity.
— Spooky's Sub-Prime Ferries #FBPE (@Spookella) March 17, 2019
Unicorn steaks any one? They taste like spam and dried eggs but honestly they’re organic unicorn. These people are prepared to beggar the country for their outdated Little Englander ideology.
— Mike Harding AKA Lord Hardinge of Dribblesdale (@HardingMike) March 18, 2019
They aren't bullshitting about the Brexit Bonus anymore are they. It's that slow downgrade of expectation until just not dying is an acceptable,e post Brexit outcome for some.
— Adamant🇪🇺🇨🇮🇫🇷#FBPE (@stephen_peggs) March 17, 2019
— John Mc Gowan (@johnfmcgowan) March 18, 2019
Brexity MP Kate Hoey slagged off the BBC and these are the only 5 replies you need