Simply 13 things we spent far too long worrying about as kids
Kids have got it easy because they don’t spend all their time worrying about stuff like pensions, mortgages and, er, what their kids are up to.
But have they really got it so easy? Because when you were a kid, you actually worried about a whole load of stuff that you could do absolutely nothing about.
as a child i was led to believe the bermuda triangle would be a far greater threat in adulthood than it actually turned out to be
— laanat del rey (@badkuthi69) March 18, 2019
Whether it was rational or not didn’t stop us worrying about it. And it got people sharing the other ridiculous things that kept them awake at night.
See also: lava, quicksand, and tidal waves.
— Alexandra Erin (@alexandraerin) March 18, 2019
Rabies. And piranhas.
— Amanda Burston (@amandaburston) March 20, 2019
Killer Bees!!! They're coming!
— Jon Martin (@JonMartinCalgar) March 18, 2019
And spontaneous combustion
— Anne Marie Sproul (@annemariesproul) March 18, 2019
same for me but with alien abductions. i read so many books in preparation.
— elite bowling star (@extraweak) March 18, 2019
As a child I was warned more than once to watch out for acid rain. I grew up thinking this was an issue, and it never happened once.
— Brian Farrar (@art_blaster) March 18, 2019
The wind changing, and how that would freeze everyone's faces.
— Amazing facts (@F4ctsoflife) March 20, 2019