Simply 8 excruciating reasons why you should read school letters very carefully
It seems like there’s a dress-up day of some sort nearly every week, with beleaguered parents expected to come up with something that won’t embarrass the child or scandalise their classmates. One Redditor shared a photo of a dress-up day mishap, where it looks very much like one kid’s parents had skim-read the letter.
As ChickenFilletRoll explained:
“These kids were asked to dress up as Elves for their school play. One kid dressed up as Elvis”
The poor child looks like he knows he’ll never live it down, when he really ought to be karate-chopping the air and owning it.
It seems little Elvis wasn’t the first child in that situation.
“in 3rd grade we went to this place called pioneer village & the teacher jokingly said that we could dress up. for some reason i had a pilgrim costume at home???? and thought it would be a great idea to put on this ugly dress and bonnet??? i showed up OBVIOUSLY as the only person dressed up. i hated every second of that field trip.”
“My son once told my wife and I that he had to dress like a “prehistoric person” for a trip to a museum. We made him a caveman costume by ripping up some old sweatpants and a brown sweatshirt. It ended up looking like a loincloth. We burned a cork and put it all over his face and I made a club out of a big stick.
Like the parents in this photo, who made a hell of an Elvis costume, we went full-in on the “Prehistoric Person”. It was a great costume for his field trip. Which the next day I learned was to the Colonial Village. Everyone else had dressed like a pilgrim and there was my son dressed as a motherfucking caveman holding a club.”
Plot twist: maybe Elvis wasn’t a mistake.
So, it’s just all the commenters who should have double-checked the theme.
Source: Reddit