
Minds are blowing at how hospitals x-ray small children

During an x-ray procedure, it’s vital to stay still, but babies and toddlers either won’t or can’t do that – and some are so little they can’t support themselves. That’s why a baby-holding gadget is necessary, but we didn’t expect it to look like this – not that we’d actually thought about it in the first place.

Twitter user @mowziii posted:

I just found out this is how they X-ray small children and I can’t stop laughing

Those babies look a lot more stoical than we would, under the same circumstances. The gadget is practical, necessary, but oh, so very, very funny. This is how people reacted.

Doctor Tressie McMillan Cottom gave us a piece of information that just ramped up the hilarity.

Aaaand we’re done.