
Peter Mayhew has died and the Chewbacca actor leaves a massive hole

Actor Peter Mayhew has passed away peacefully at the age of 74. At seven foot three, he was an imposing figure, particularly when clothed in the shaggy costume of the character for which he was best known, the Wookiee Chewbacca, in the original Star Wars trilogy, and later in The Force Awakens,

The sad news of his passing was broken via Peter’s own Twitter account.

There were many moving tributes online, including this one from Star Wars co-star, Mark Hamill.

Hollywood Reporter writer, Ryan Parker, shared reactions from friends and colleagues from the Star Wars universe.

Others tweeted their tributes personally.

Some well-known fans added their sadness and condolences.

In response to a quote from Harrison Ford, Peter’s family, who are operating his Twitter account as a memorial, posted this apt reaction.

Although his real face was never seen in the Star Wars films, in portraying a character so devoted to his friends, it’s clear that his true heart was always on show.

Images courtesy of Disney and Lucasfilm