
Somebody used the gender-swap filter on MPs and it’s as bad as you’d expect

If you haven’t seen any of the recent gender-swap filter posts bouncing around the internet, congratulations – you’re the special one. Right across social media, people are sharing how Snapchat’s latest filter – which sticks to all those gender stereotypes we’d hoped were fading – imagines they’d look had they been the opposite sex.

Anastasia Zawierucha, of Politics Home, decided to see how the Tory leadership hopefuls might look using the filter, and this is how that turned out.

She then ran Jeremy Corbyn through the filter – something Tom Watson has been wanting to do for ages.

So, male Andrea Leadsom looks like Jeremy Corbyn, but female Jeremy Corbyn looks like an extra from Hollyoaks.

This is how people have been reacting.

A Ken Clarke parody account was offended on his behalf.

He needn’t have worried.

And we’re never unseeing that, either.

Source: @AnastasiaZaw