
There’s something about the clouds in this ‘travel influencer’s photos that got people talking

Like the Crowded House song, it appears that wherever ‘travel influencer’ Tupi Saravia goes, she takes the weather with her.

We only mention this after Matt Navarra shared something originally spotted by @SantiLishi about the photos on her Instagram account.

And she does, she really does.

Tupi Saravia, from Buenos Aires, later admitted to BuzzFeed News that she uses a photo-editing app to enhance or impose clouds into her photos if the camera can’t pick them up.

In the same way, presumably, that we sometimes use a photo-editing app to add the outside world if we can’t be bothered to get out of bed.

Here’s exactly what people made of that.


Do you want to see a cloud that looks like a cat? Of course you do
