
An American visitor shared the 42 weirdest things about the British people and they ring very, very true

Sometimes – quite often, in fact – other people know us so much better than we know ourselves.

And this is definitely one of those occasions, an American heiress who arrived in London and listed 42 ‘London cultural quirks’ that her fellow Americans ought to know about before arriving in the UK.

See how many of these ring true, as featured in the Vogue column by Hayley Bloomingdale, ‘A New Yorker in London: 42 Peculiarities You Must Know Before You Cross the Pond’

British people do not use umbrellas, even though it rains every day.

Everyone says sorry for everything; it’s often best to start any request or inquiry with “sorry . . .”

If you’re walking and you have something you maybe want to throw away at any point in the near future (coffee cup, tissue), you should toss it the second you see a bin (garbage can) because there won’t be another one, ever.

If you look confused and/or scared when crossing the street, drivers will often speed up instead of the opposite.

English people wear winter coats starting on October 1 . . .
Christmas also starts on October 1 . . .
Also, they wouldn’t say October 1; they’d say, 1 October.

There are no plugs in the bathrooms—unclear how British women blow-dry their hair (this is a possible explanation for why some have bad hair).

Dryers somehow exist inside washing machines.

Crisps means potato chips and they have bizarre flavors like Bolognese and roast chicken (yes, roast chicken is an actual potato chip flavor here).

Don’t try to order any fancy drinks at a pub, just play it cool, order “a pint” and drink whatever is in there.

Hugh Grant is old because Notting Hill came out, like, 134 years ago.

If Hugh Grant hits on you at a party you should find another boy to talk to because he has four children and also see above.

Eggs are inexplicably not refrigerated and are often hidden in a regular food aisle.

Do not speak ill of the tube system. The British people love their public transportation—“transport,” if you will—even those who don’t actually use it.

British people love talking about the weather. This is not a stereotype; it’s a fact.

A shopping bag is not automatically included in your purchase at a store; if you miss the question “would you like a bag?” you will have to awkwardly carry your items out in your hands and act like you planned that.

James Corden and Jeremy Corbyn are two different people.

If you are meeting someone on the “first floor,” you will need to go up a level because first floor means second floor in this country.

Do not get on the bus without your Oyster card. There is no backup option. The only backup option is: Get off ASAP. (Note: Bus drivers are not as nice as cabbies.)

The coins are not sized by worth; the twopence is inexplicably huge while 20 pence is very small. Best to hold out your change in your hand when paying and pretend you don’t speak English.

If you order a “lemonade,” you’ll get a Sprite and there’s literally nothing you can do about it. I still don’t know how to get an actual “lemonade” in this country.

Don’t even bother talking about herbs with anyone because every single one is pronounced differently. Basil is one thing, but wait until you hear a Brit pronounce oregano.

And for the full list, click here.


An American trolled British food so a whole bunch of Brits trolled back and it’s epic

Source Vogue H/T Indy100 Image Pixabay