Simply 19 very funny and inventive nicknames that people ended up with at work
Here’s a classic Q&A that never fails to make us smile.
It all started when the estimable @jamieeast asked this on Twitter back when it actually was called Twitter.
‘What’s the best nickname a work colleague of yours has got? My favourite is one I heard Johnny Vaughan talk about – one place called a lad Levi’s because he always went home at 5:01.’
And it turned out people had lots of very inventive – and very funny – workplace nicknames to share. Here are 19 of the very best.
My husband is a southerner living in Yorkshire. He also has a glass eye. His Barnsley workmates call him ‘the London eye’.
— Laura Aurora (@MrsLauraAurora) January 25, 2020
Mate used to work with a bloke called Dave that had a tic that made him lift both arms above his head. They called him Mexican Dave.
— Pete Bell (@RealPeteBell) January 25, 2020
A bloke who had one leg shorter than the other creating quite a limp at a place I worked was nicknamed ” snipers nightmare “
— Paul Fisher (@pickwick1978) January 25, 2020
We had a guy that used to work with us that half of his left ear was missing. We called him ‘18 months’ as he only had an ear and a half.
— Neil Fisher (@fatfish59) January 25, 2020
Guy I worked with was called Gary Gray. His nickname was Gary Anagram.
— Simon Duffy (@thedufmeister) January 25, 2020
A dock workers son got a job on the docks in Liverpool and he told him to keep his mouth shut on his first day at work, otherwise he’d get given a nickname.
The next day they nick-named him “The Quiet Man.” https://t.co/59E8tPg4L7— Plink2 (@plinketyplink2) January 26, 2020
Slightly unrelated but there was a footballer called Fitz Hall who’s nickname was I believe One Size.
— Ben Patterson (@BenPatterson1) January 25, 2020
Campbell Baxter: Two Soups
— Gordon Smart (@gordonsmart) January 25, 2020
I’ve got a mate called Mambo because he once lived at Number 5
— Daz Midgley (@omicdaz) January 25, 2020
I used to work at a very sociable company. There was one bloke who never went out, so we called him The Olympic Flame
— Paul Carolan (@CarolanCoach) January 25, 2020