Our 16 favourite World Book Day jokes to take your minds off hand washing
On world book day, let's take a moment to remember last year when I sent my Son as Jesus. One of the teachers told him it wasn't appropriate, and he said to her "I forgive you"
He doesn't give a shit, that boy ❤ pic.twitter.com/pNJXplUBT0
— Smoth (@Skinny_fatbloke) March 5, 2020
Apparently it's #WorldBookDay and you're meant to dress as your favourite book so am I doing this right? pic.twitter.com/hr93pHGG2B
— Dr Philip Lee (@drphiliplee1) March 5, 2020
All the kids off in costume to World Book Day at school, and I've joined in too.
I've gone as 'Keith Jones, out of the phone book'.— Liverpool: Then and Now (@keithjones84) March 5, 2020
As a bonus, here are a few golden oldies that are just too good not to look at again.
Forgot they had to be in costume, so they're going to school as pages 89 & 165 of the Argos catalogue pic.twitter.com/5JHnHlRbte— joe heenan (@joeheenan) March 3, 2016
Of course she went as a Dementor.
She’s been sucking my soul out through my mouth for the last 11 years.#WorldBookDay pic.twitter.com/PorTf7XN4X— Twinks (@tinytwink) March 7, 2019
if the teachers ask just say you’re dressed as ‘the little boy who’s mother couldn’t be f**ked…’#WorldBookDay pic.twitter.com/bigieQWoBl
— forest fr1ends (@forest_fr1ends) March 7, 2019
"What's your #WorldBookDay costume?"
"You're just drunk at 8am"
"correct"— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) March 7, 2019
Jeff had this more radical take.
Okay, I’ll bite. What the fuck is a book?
— Jeffw (@Jeffwni) March 5, 2020
Just remember to wash your books and don’t rub them on your face – or something.
22 people expertly posed to blend in with book covers
Source Twitter Image Joe Heenan