Laughter’s not the best medicine, but it helps – 18 funny reactions to the coronavirus
The insult ‘you should get out more’ has become a lot meaner over the past few weeks.
— GlennyRodge (@GlennyRodge) March 27, 2020
Taking a shopping list into a supermarket is the new bingo.
— Lise (@F41rygirl) March 27, 2020
When people don’t answer your call in lockdown they REALLY don’t want to talk to you
— Kerry Godliman (@KerryAGodliman) March 27, 2020
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) March 28, 2020
Because everyone in Italy is quarantined, the natural wildlife has returned to the water and forests ❤️ We are the virus
— Jules (@Julian_Epp) March 28, 2020
If you're asking yourself 'how can I get around these new exercise restrictions that mildly inconvenience me?' and not 'isn't it amazing that I can literally save lives by sitting on my arse for two weeks?' then I hate to break it to you, but you're a dose of the highest order
— Steve, but with a clever username (@steveohrourke) March 28, 2020
In honour of our Amazon drivers, let’s clap out our windows sometime between 9am and 6pm
— Morgan Rees (@TheMorganRees) March 27, 2020
A 101 year old Italian man born during the Spanish flu pandemic and survived WWII has beaten a bout of Coronavirus.
He now goes on to fight The Kurgon to achieve The Quickening.
— Mark Nelson (@marknelsoncomic) March 28, 2020
Some of you may have seen the WHO suggesting that alcohol ought not to be used as stress relief. This is completely ludicrous. If I hadn’t got a bottle of whiskey delivered on Tuesday I wouldn’t have this to pop now.
— David QC (@DavidMuttering) March 27, 2020
21 tongue-in-cheek coronavirus updates from Twitter
Image @nnnatchos