
This 2018 interview with Matt Hancock shows what he really thinks of Boris Johnson

A 2018 interview has resurfaced in which Matt Hancock was asked his opinion of the then Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson. His answer is very revealing.

Alastair Campbell had forgotten all about it.

Mr. Hancock has a very expressive face – perhaps too expressive under the circumstances. You can watch the full thing here if that’s your sort of thing.

These tweeters didn’t need to waggle their eyebrows – their words were enough.






It doesn’t take Matt Hancock to give a bad impression of Boris Johnson – here he is doing that for himself in an interview with the incomparable Eddie Mair.

On a lighter note, Iván Merker was less interested in Matt Hancock’s candour than Alastair Campbell’s lens hygiene.

He’ll have to drive to Barnard Castle to check he can see through them.


Naga Munchetty asked Boris Johnson how ordinary families can relate to him and his answer speaks volumes

Source GQ Image GQ