
‘John Oliver has always done a great job but this is spectacular’

This 68-second clip of John Oliver’s take on what is happening in the US right now has gone viral on Twitter.

It was only a small part of what Oliver had to say in the latest episode of his HBO show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, much of which you can read here.

“If you’re not directly impacted by it, it is tempting to look for a reason to feel better about the world. To look at some cops kneeling and think, ‘Oh, well, we just need more of that.’ But we need so much more than that because ours is a firmly entrenched system in which the roots of white supremacy run deep, and it is critical that we all grab a fucking shovel. To do anything less would be absolutely unforgivable.”

And here were just a few things people were saying about it.

And there’s lots more Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on YouTube here.

Source Twitter @Keepitez23