
This Polari weather forecast went down a storm at the end of Pride month

As Pride month came to an end, Owain Wyn Evans, the BBC’s drumming weather man, saw it off in style by delivering the forecast in Polari, the elaborate slang that was once used by members of the gay community.

Here are a few words you might want to drop into conversations.

Munge – darkness

Dolly – pleasant

Lallies – legs

Capella – hat

Vada – see/look

Sadly, it didn’t make the outlook any better, but it went down a storm on Twitter.

On that note, here’s Kenneth Williams with Hugh Paddick sharing a bit of Polari via ‘Bona Books’.


That’s not thunder – it’s Owain the weather man on drums

Source Owain Wyn Evans Image Owain Wyn Evans