
This man claiming the credit for Frankenstein’s monster is a very funny read

It started over on Twitter – where else? – when @woodmuffin pointed out just how much credit Mary Shelley deserved for coming up with Frankenstein’s monster.

And it prompted a man to get in touch to point out, actually, he had also come up with the idea for Frankenstein’s monster, entirely independently of Shelley.

He’s surely not being serious – is he being serious? – but either way it made us smile (face palm optional, depending on how you take it).

The exchange went viral after it was shared on Twitter by @isabelzawtun who had this to say.

And here are just a few of the things people said in response.


The guy who mansplained Sarah Silverman’s joke wins Mansplainer of the Week™

Source @isabelzawtun Image screengrab