The response to this fat-shaming post wins Comeback of the Day
If you’re going to make horrible comments about appearance, you’d better be sure you’re a specimen of sheer physical perfection, in everyone’s eyes – and since that’s not possible, it’s better to just keep your trap shut.
One fat-shaming tweeter learnt the lesson the hard way after posting this now-deleted tweet.
There were a lot of outraged responses, but one in particular gave the original poster a taste of her own medicine.
The exchange found its way to the r/CleverComebacks subreddit – deservedly – where u/JimJamThePianoMan named it
‘And that’s why you should never fat shame on the internet’
It picked up these comments, among others.
“The truth is there is always someone smarter than you out there, if you go around offending people you will get what’s coming sooner or later.”
“Umm…hello, police? Yes, I’d like to report a murder…”
Finally – this important message from axsteel77.
“Don’t disrespect Winnie the Pooh like that.”
People loved this weather forecaster’s comeback to the troll who fat shamed her
Source r/CleverComebacks Image r/CleverComebacks, Screengrab