Allison Pearson said it’s ‘good’ her son got Covid – only 7 responses you need
Over at the Daily Telegraph, columnnist Allison Pearson revealed that her son has caught Covid-19.
Fear not, because Pearson says this is not a bad thing. It’s actually a good thing. Of course it is!
“My son has Covid-19. Good. Everyone in his student house has it as well. Even better,” writes @allisonpearson
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) September 22, 2020
We read it so you don’t have to (you can find it here but you’ll probably have to pay for it) and here’s just a little bit.
‘My son has Covid-19. Good. Everyone in his student house has it as well. Even better … There is no cause for alarm. On the contrary, I am glad that my boy will now form a tiny tile on the vast human shield which will protect his grandparents and other endangered citizens as our country acquires community immunity.
‘Apart from a vaccine (unlikely to show up any time soon), allowing Covid to run through the healthy population is the only way out of this loathsome epidemic which kills our old and murders the futures of our youth.’
And here are our favourite responses to whatever the hell that is.
There’s a good chance your son or one of his friends will end up with post-Covid autonomic dysfunction. They won’t be able to get up without blacking out. Their life will be forever changed. It happened to me from a different virus, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Still “good”?
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWilson) September 22, 2020
I’d want to know a little more about the long term effects of a disease before I decided whether I was glad my son got it to be honest. Even then I think I’d come down on the side of “I’d rather my son didn’t have a disease”.
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) September 23, 2020
what’s the Ancient Greek complex for rooting for a deadly pathogen over your own child
— Jenny Constable (@JennyLConstable) September 22, 2020
‘I’m delighted my son have a virus that is increasingly being shown to cause long term heart damage’ is a hell of a fucking article to feel is a good idea to write.
— Neville (@1FightingIrish) September 22, 2020
Can see why he’s taking his chances with covid rather than staying at home with mum
— Liam Thorp (@LiamThorpECHO) September 22, 2020
To conclude …
It’s fair to say some people are holding it together better than others.
— barney farmer (@barneyfarmer) September 22, 2020
the rumours are true, allison pearson has surpassed herself
— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) September 23, 2020
In four words.
"take my son. please"
— thomas violence (@thomas_violence) September 22, 2020
Allison Pearson’s column about her son’s A-Level results might be her most on-brand column yet
Source @Telegraph Image screengrab